Besides the Sunday morning worship services, there are a number of ways to be involved in the CHS Community*. We are keen to develop relationships with everyone and to encourage each other wherever we may be on our faith journey.
Fellowship Time: After the Sunday morning worship there is a fellowship time with coffee and tea. Please stay around and enjoy the treats as we get to know each other better.
Discipleship Groups: These meet in people's homes, so we need to get to know you first and invite you. We have a woman's fellowship that meets every two weeks on a Wednesday morning and an evening fellowship that meets every two weeks (alternating with the women's fellowship) on Thursday evenings.
Potluck or Feast Together Sunday: The fourth or Final Sunday of each month we invite all who attend to bring a dish to share for lunch after the service. It is a great time to share in international cuisine and fellowship. If you can’t bring anything, don’t worry. There is always enough food to go around.
CHS Outings: Special social events may be organized occasionally (trip to a dam, out to eat, games, etc.) to provide an informal way to gather and develop relationships. These outings can be a good time to invite friends who may not yet feel comfortable coming to the Sunday morning services.
Volunteer Opportunities: We are always looking to use the gifts of God’s people while they are here in Vientiane. There are lots of areas you can get involved in such as: bringing a treat for Fellowship Time, leading music and worship, setting & cleaning up, reading Scripture, or helping with Sunday School*. Please contact the clergy leaders, particularly Sue Jennings, (or, failing that, any of the CHS committee members) to let her know of your willingness to be involved after you have been a part of the congregation for 6 months or so.
*Please note that we follow a strict Child Protection Policy.