Visitor's Information

Just the essentials...please see the 'Who We Are' and 'Connecting' pages for more information.

When:  Every Sunday at 10:00 am

Where:  ARDA Language Centre, 
 Ban Khunta,  (Directions and map).  Enter the building through the door on the ground level next to the outside stairs.  (The outside stairs are only used as an emergency exit).  Inside the building you'll go up the stairs and turn right at the top to enter our meeting room. Please ask if you aren't sure where to go.  

Parking: on Sundays park under the covered sports yard at the north end of the ARDA grounds.

What to expect: 
In our services we expect to encounter the living God and leave the services changed. We encounter Him in our worship, in hearing God’s word in the bible, and in receiving bread and wine in Holy Communion. This is why we come to church: to meet with God, to worship him, to hear from him and to encourage each other. This is why we are alive: to enjoy God and to worship Him. There is nothing like the presence of God! When we meet with God, we know who we are and why we are here. We make space for God to move among us through his Holy Spirit and to do what he wants to do with us his loved children.

We come from many parts of world and different races but we have this in common: we are passionate about Jesus, and it completes our joy to worship him together with all we have. We also love to wait for his Holy Spirit in moments of quiet and reflection.  

We use ancient and modern written prayers (liturgy) displayed on a screen, and spontaneous prayers. Our worship songs are mostly contemporary but we also enjoy hymns. We have some rituals and structure, but freedom, joy, authenticity and following the leading of the Holy Spirit are priorities for us.


One Sunday a month, currently the fourth Sunday, we have a Potluck or "Feast Together" Meal after the morning service where we bring and share food together in the ARDA building. At some points in the year we have midweek fellowship meetings for discipleship, prayer and prayer ministry.

We have Holy Communion services twice a month and have an open table, which means that those who profess Jesus as their Lord and Saviour are welcome to receive the bread and the wine (or non alcoholic fruit juice), but people can choose not to participate. Those who are seeking and are looking for God and meaning, are most welcome to seek and to watch!

Older children may, at their parents discretion, receive the bread and the wine/fruit juice; others may receive a blessing.

Children, three  to twelve-year-olds, have Sunday School most Sundays in two separate age groups. The children will leave for a part of the service, which is when the adults are listening to a sermon. One Sunday a month, there is an all-age service. In this service the children are likely to take part or contribute. We want to see our children come to their own individual faith but in the process have their hearts set on fire for Jesus.

Youth: We ensure that discipleship and fun are available for the youth in our congregation at times in the year. However, Sunday by Sunday, the youth attend the the adult service and take a valuable part in the services and sometimes the leading of worship. Watch this space for "Youth Alpha".

*Please note that we follow a strict Child Protection Policy.